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Cactus Mok
認證專業犬隻訓練師   CPDT-KA
  • 到府行為諮詢
    At-home Consultation

    (林口及鄰近地區 Areas near Linkou)

  • 線上教學諮詢
    Online Consultation

  • ​基礎教養小組課程
    Group Training Course

  • 領養諮詢及支援
    ​ Adoption Support

​Mission 目標 

  • 透過教育,提升狗家長對毛孩的了解,讓狗狗能於「不打、不罵、不脅逼」的家庭裡愉快生活,從而減低犬隻被遺棄、以至宰殺的悲劇。

  • To help dog parents understand their 4-legged kids through education, keeping dogs in happy, educated, lifelong homes, thereby to reduce the numbers of dogs being rehomed and destroyed. 

Credentials 專業資格 ︰

  • 現職救狗之家教育及犬隻訓練經理 
    Education & Training Manager, Hong Kong Dog Rescue (Since 2012)

  • 專業犬隻訓練師認證委員會-   國際認證專業犬隻訓練師 CPDT-KA 
    Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed, CCPDT (Since 2013)

  • 美國動物行為學院 - 專業犬隻訓練師 
    Certified Dog Trainer, Animal Behavior College (US) (Since 2012)

  • 犬隻行為專欄作家
    Dog Behaviour & Training Newspaper Columnist (Since 2014)

  • 美國寵物專業協會會員
    Proud Member, The Pet Professional Guild (2012 - 2019)

自2012年起於HKDR 救狗之家擔任教育及犬隻訓練經理,主力為領養家庭提供訓練咨詢、籌辦課程、向大眾推介領養以及正確的犬隻知識,日間亦需於領養中心協助照顧待領養狗狗。工作性質令 Cactus 慣於接觸不同品種、性格與背景的犬隻,擅於指導生活模式、要求與經驗各異的家庭成員。此外,在救狗之家開辦的「老友狗狗訓練班」,課程內容著重生活實踐、訓練技巧生動有效,深受狗父母好評。

Cactus 亦有上門指導救狗之家領養家庭及私人學生,教授基本服從訓練或行為糾正,並經常舉行工作坊與講座等活動。Cactus 一直有於社交媒體如Facebook, Instagram 等分享她的工作見聞與所思所想,曾接受無線電視、香港電台、蘋果日報等各大小傳媒訪問,目前於東方日報及MoCity 定期撰寫犬隻行為的專欄,並將所有文章滙集於「Cactus N Dogs 一個專業訓犬的生活意見」網站。

Cactus currently works at Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR) as Education and Training Manager. Her main duty of providing training consultation to dog owners grants her extensive experiences with dogs of different breeds, personalities and backgrounds, as well as human families with different lifestyles, expectations and experiences. Cactus develops and leads HKDR’s first-ever Positive Partners Dog-Human Training Course which received a lot of good comments amongst dog owners for its practical curriculum and effective yet interesting teaching style. 


Cactus also offers in-home one-on-one training consultation for basic obedience and/or behaviour modification. Besides, Cactus also has extensive experience in conducting workshops and seminars with various organisations, schools and corporations. She has been interviewed by TVB, RTHK, Apple Daily and many other local media, and is currently contributing dog training articles to a biweekly column in Oriental Daily and MoCity.  

Experience 工作經驗 ︰

  • 全職擔任犬隻訓練師超過 8 年

  • 每年跟進領養個案 400 - 500 宗

  • 每年救援及照護狗狗 400- 500 隻

  • 每年開辦犬隻訓練課程 20 班,教授超過 120個人狗家庭

  • 每年舉辦工作坊、講座、公開演講,接受媒體訪問,撰寫報章專欄

Cactus 於 HKDR 全職工作多年,接觸過數千隻已獲領養或尚在等待一個家的毛孩、以及數百個訓練班的學生。這班狗狗來自五湖四海,不同年紀、品種、性格與訓練背景。當中有被主人棄養的、萬千寵愛的、曾被虐待的、流浪過的、一出生便無家可歸的、被繁殖場用完即棄的、由其他訓犬師教過的;也有性格開朗嬌嗲、害羞怕事、大無畏、恐懼焦慮、愛生事搗蛋、絕頂聰明、獨立離群、吱吱喳喳、老弱傷殘、暴躁激動,甚至是被認為無藥可救應該人道毀滅的。Everything I know, I learned from them!

Education 教育背景 :

2018/2019 – Canine Aggression for Animal Professionals by Dr Amber Batson, MRCVs (9-day course)

2018 – Dog Symposium & Nosework Workshop (4-day seminar & workshop)
2017 – Dog Behaviour in a Shelter Environment by Dogs Trust (4-day workshop)
2015 - Shelter Training & Enrichment Course by Karen Pryor Academy
2012 - Certified Dog Trainer, Animal Behavior College (U.S.)

於全美國及加拿大最具規模的專業訓犬師學校「動物行為學院」修讀為期 1 年的理論及犬隻訓練課程,並於美國洛杉磯進行實習,成功畢業為「認證犬隻訓練師」。當時跟從的導師具30多年犬隻訓練經驗,並曾獲選南加州最佳犬隻訓練師,令 Cactus 眼界大開。其後,Cactus 於國際知名、業內唯一的獨立認證機構CCPDT® ,考獲認證專業訓犬師CPDT-KA® 資格,此名銜目前於中港台三地僅得 6人獲得。Cactus 現時仍然不斷進修,積極閱讀各式資料、參與講座並與其他專業動物訓練師交流,保持其犬隻行為及訓練知識與時並進。

After graduated as a Certified Dog Trainer after receiving a 1-year programme of theory and hands-on training from Animal Behavior College in Los Angeles, United States, Cactus also earned the title of Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA®) through the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT®), the only independent certifying organization in the industry. Cactus is one of 6 trainers in Hong Kong, Tai Wan and Mainland China to hold this certification. Cactus continuously expands her knowledge through study, seminars, hands-on training and network of animal training professionals, resulting in methods that are both progressive and innovative. 

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